Working papers
- “Unveiling Shadows: The Impact of Unemployment on Child Maltreatment” with Daniel Brown. February 2024. Submitted
- Previous version: “Child Maltreatment, Unemployment, and Safety Nets”. January 2020. SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 3543987.
- Media coverage: RES 2019, ITV, International Business Times, Oxford University News.
- “Gene-Environment Effects on Female Fertility” with Nicola Barban and Marco Francesconi. October 2021. CEPR Working Paper DP16603. Under review
- Research supported by the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant
Selected work in progress
“Education and teenage births in the UK: A research note on the role of genetic propensities” with Selin Köksal, Nicola Barban, and Marco Francesconi.
“The intergenerational impact of gestational exposure to the National Health Service in the UK” with Genevieve Jeffrey and Alistair McGuire.
“Metrics for Health Policy” with Joan Costa-i-Font and Ilias Kyriopoulos.
“The impact of the family planning program on fertility and mortality” with Nicola Barban and Marco Francesconi.
“Understanding key barriers to Female Labor Force Participation: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” with Niaz Asadullah and Elena Pisanelli
- “Status (In)Consistency in Education and Violent Parenting Practices Towards Children”, with Luca Pesando, Giulia La Mattina and Alberto Ciancio. Social Science & Medicine, 2024, 116954.
- “IZA version”
- Research supported by the STICERD Research Grant
- “Does unemployment worsen babies’ health? A tale of siblings, maternal behaviour and selection.” with Barry McCormick and Catia Nicodemo. Journal of Health Economics. 2022, Vol. 83, 102601.
- Media coverage: RES 2018
“The effect of education on spousal education: A genetic approach” with Nicola Barban, Sonia Oreffice, and Climent Quintana-Domeque. Labour Economics. 2021, Vol. 71, 102023.
Niaz Asadullah, Elisabetta De Cao, Fathema Zahura Khatun, and Zahra Siddique “Measuring gender attitudes using list experiments”. Journal of Population Economics. 2021, Vol. 34, Pages 367-400.
De Cao Elisabetta and Giulia La Mattina “Does maternal education reduce female genital cutting?”. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. 2019, Vol. 109, Pages 100-104. Media coverage: El Pais, LSEnews
De Cao Elisabetta and Clemens Lutz “Sensitive survey questions: Measuring attitudes regarding female genital cutting through a list experiment”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2018, Vol. 80, No. 5, Pages: 871–92. Media coverage: RES 2015
De Cao Elisabetta, Marloes Huis, Samson Jemaneh and Robert Lensink “Community conversations as a strategy to change harmful traditional practices against women”. Applied Economics Letters. 2017, Vol. 24, No. 2, Pages 72-74.
De Cao Elisabetta “The height production function from birth to age two”. Journal of Human Capital. 2015, Vol. 9, No. 3, Pages 329-363.
Arpino Bruno, Elisabetta De Cao and Franco Peracchi “Using panel data for partial identification of human immunodeficiency virus prevalence when infection status is missing not at random”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society). 2014, Vol. 177, Part 3, Pages 578-606.
De Cao Elisabetta, Emilio Zagheni, Alessia Melegaro and Piero Manfredi “The relative importance of frequency of contacts and time of exposure for the spread of directly transmitted infections”. Biostatistics. 2014, Vol. 15, No. 3, Pages 470-483.
De Cao Elisabetta, Alessia Melegaro, Rogier Klok and Maarten Postma “Optimizing assessments of the epidemiological impact of pediatric immunization with PCV13 using dynamic transmission modeling”. PLoS ONE. 2014, Vol. 9, No. 4:e89415.
Mark H. Rozenbaum, Elisabetta De Cao and Maarten J. Postma “Cost-effectiveness of pertussis booster vaccination in the Netherlands”. Vaccine. 2012, Vol. 30, No. 50, Pages 7327-31.
- Mark H. Rozenbaum, Elisabetta De Cao, Tjalke A. Westra and Maarten J. Postma “Dynamic models for health economic assessments of pertussis vaccines: what goes around comes around”. Expert Review of Vaccines. 2012, Vol. 11, No. 12, Pages 1415-1428.
Policy reports / Other
Elisabetta De Cao and Malte Sandner “The potential impact of the COVID-19 on child abuse and neglect: The role of childcare and unemployment” VOXEU May 2020
Stichting Gezamenlijke Evaluaties, “MFS-II Evaluations - Joint Evaluations of the Dutch Co-Financing System 2011-2015 - Country Report Ethiopia” Partos. July 2015.